We Believe
Real Estate Investment and Development
The Teramont, LLC is a real estate investment and development firm specializing in historic preservation, senior housing, affordable housing, multifamily and student housing communities. The Teramont team of experts branch into all areas of development, construction, management and ownership with properties built in the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors.
Teramont Group is a fully integrated development and construction firm that specializes in building Class A+ multifamily communities in the Carson City- Reno- Tahoe region. Substantial industry experience combined with extensive market knowledge enables us to identify and create opportunities other developers miss. We only build in premiere locations, and our relentless focus on the bottom line allows us to develop best in class communities at competitive prices. We consistently deliver strong returns to our investors without compromising on quality or fairness. At Teramont, we don’t just build buildings that people are proud to call home. We cultivate confidence and trust, and ultimately build relationships, with every deal.
Our attention to detail continues to pay dividends long after the construction process has been completed.
Our Process
Every project is unique and we savor that challenge. But part of what makes each project a success is our proven method of planning, managing, and building each concept to completion.
Each project is unique so proper discovery and analysis is essential.
Our staff plan and design based on your specific needs and goals.
Construction and project management is where we really shine.
We help keep your investment fresh and running smoothly for years to come.
Core Values
Value #1 * Value #2 * Value #3 * Value #4 * Value #5
Why Reno - Carson City - Tahoe
Name of Project #1
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Name of Project #2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum lacinia vehicula tellus, ac aliquet magna. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum aliquet, est eget pretium convallis, quam dui sodales libero, vitae scelerisque magna mauris id enim. Proin venenatis, sapien et blandit
Name of Project #3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum lacinia vehicula tellus, ac aliquet magna. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum aliquet, est eget pretium convallis, quam dui sodales libero, vitae scelerisque magna mauris id enim. Proin venenatis, sapien et blandit
See a summary of all the recent news and updates on our site. Investors click here.
(Click a link to read that update.)
>> 03/05/19: The roof is on! Finally, we're weather-tight.
>> 03/01/19: Windows have been ordered (and you'll love what we chose)
03/05/19: The roof is on! Finally, we're weather-tight.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage jerky fatback leberkas short ribs hamburger meatball turkey. Brisket meatball pork chop frankfurter bacon corned beef burgdoggen short loin picanha alcatra ball tip. Brisket frankfurter tail swine. Bacon drumstick beef turducken spare ribs tongue t-bone shoulder chuck, bresaola sirloin ribeye capicola brisket. Filet mignon capicola flank pancetta bacon buffalo ground round hamburger frankfurter short loin kielbasa beef ribs rump ball tip picanha.
03/01/19: Windows have been ordered (and you'll love what we chose)
Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage jerky fatback leberkas short ribs hamburger meatball turkey. Brisket meatball pork chop frankfurter bacon corned beef burgdoggen short loin picanha alcatra ball tip. Brisket frankfurter tail swine. Bacon drumstick beef turducken spare ribs tongue t-bone shoulder chuck, bresaola sirloin ribeye capicola brisket. Filet mignon capicola flank pancetta bacon buffalo ground round hamburger frankfurter short loin kielbasa beef ribs rump ball tip picanha.
21/02/19: Snow doesn't stop our guys...
Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage jerky fatback leberkas short ribs hamburger meatball turkey. Brisket meatball pork chop frankfurter bacon corned beef burgdoggen short loin picanha alcatra ball tip. Brisket frankfurter tail swine. Bacon drumstick beef turducken spare ribs tongue t-bone shoulder chuck, bresaola sirloin ribeye capicola brisket. Filet mignon capicola flank pancetta bacon buffalo ground round hamburger frankfurter short loin kielbasa beef ribs rump ball tip picanha.
09/10/18: We've started!
Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage jerky fatback leberkas short ribs hamburger meatball turkey. Brisket meatball pork chop frankfurter bacon corned beef burgdoggen short loin picanha alcatra ball tip. Brisket frankfurter tail swine. Bacon drumstick beef turducken spare ribs tongue t-bone shoulder chuck, bresaola sirloin ribeye capicola brisket. Filet mignon capicola flank pancetta bacon buffalo ground round hamburger frankfurter short loin kielbasa beef ribs rump ball tip picanha.
Managing Directors
Sed ornare turpis vitae lobortis tempor. Donec accumsan tellus ut tincidunt consectetur. Suspendisse elementum ac tellus eu eleifend. Praesent porttitor lobortis mi id rhoncus. Quisque et bibendum diam. Aenean eget tincidunt sapien.
Sed ornare turpis vitae lobortis tempor. Donec accumsan tellus ut tincidunt consectetur. Suspendisse elementum ac tellus eu eleifend. Praesent porttitor lobortis mi id rhoncus. Quisque et bibendum diam. Aenean eget tincidunt sapien.